Monday, August 12, 2013


It was far too cold to take a photo outside so my bedroom wall will have to do. We went to DFO to do some shopping and I haven't worn this jumper in foreverrrrrrr. When putting this jumper on I realised that I always buy jumpers in smaller sizes (well, they're just the largest sizes that the straight sized stores sell) and they always don't fit like they were intended to. On me they end up being crop sweaters which (for the most part is just how I like 'em)

Oh, and... I FOUND TWINKIES! Oh man! you don't understand how excited I was! Granted, they were $3 each but hey, I can justify that for rare American imported treats. It made me want to fly back to America and go back to Brooklyn and eat them in Vineapple Cafe while typing up a thesis or something on my laptop.

Kitengi felt she needed to be included in this post too. She's spending more and more time upstairs and is sleeping on our bed again which is excellent. She's acting like a little kitten lately and is really into taking selfies haha

Sweater - ASOS
Skirt - City Chic via eBay

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