Sams birthday
Valentines day/learning to love my ass
My cousins engagement
changing my hair for the billionth time
Seeing my fave band ever
Hating my job, but dressing cute to make up for it
Meeting my new best friend and going on mad adventures
Seeing the Horrorpops and feeling like the biggest babe
I got tattooed
I met Steve-O. UNFF
We went to Slutwalk Melbourne
I started feeling cool
Having DIY dates at Rooftop Bar with my main lady
Celebrating Kristinas birthday with babes and getting drunk for the first time ever.
Moving house
Having awesome sleepy fun times with Kitengi
Going to Kristinas formal and being the baddest bitches there.
Searching for a new job in my fave shoes
Having my first super fun clubbing expreience.
Changing my hair for the last time in 2011
New Years kisses with the best boyfriend in the world.
All in all 2011 was a relatively decent year. I dont like saying a certain year was better than any other because each year bad things happen and each year some awesome shit happens that makes you love life all over again. In 2011 I had a job within the government. It was the worst job I've ever had. I hated everyone there but was only doing it so I could get a better job after my contract ended. It was a waste of time. I hung out with so many babes I met on Tumblr and became penpals with a few of them and just generally met some awesome ladies. I rekindled old friendships with hope of being able to be friends again but it turns out most people havent changed and we were all just not moving at the same pace mentally. I turned 21 and had a massive family celebration and then I went to see Thy Art Is Murder with my friends and they gave me a massive shout out for my birthday and everyone highfived me. It was friggen awesome! It was also my 3 year anniversary with Sam. We didnt really do anything that romantic or memorable (I infact broke down that evening and we drove to my parents place the next day. Thats what depression does to you.), but we're going to have a fun & romantic day of lovin soon. This festive season screwed us over a bit this year financially which sucks. My depression remained consistant and then got much worse after I finished my job. I decided a career path which I had been setting aside since I had a bad experience with it in early high school. I'll be studying hairdressing in 2012 and will become a master colourist by the end of it all, so help me god! 2012 holds so much positivity and great experiences, I just cant wait to start getting into it already.